We are proud to announce the acquisition of Gwendolyn Nix’s I HAVE ASKED TO BE, WHERE NO STORMS COME novel, to be released toward the end of 2021. It’s a dark Americana weird west fantasy mashup set in an alternate history United States.

Gwen joins our growing list of new signings (more to come over the next few weeks): Mark Allan Gunnells, Christina Bergling, Tom Deady, Nick Kolakowski, Garrett Boatman, AJ Franks, and R.B. Wood.

Author bio: Gwen is a senior editor for Outland Entertainment, as well as a ghostwriter and editor for Relay Publishing. In addition, she is a publicity associate for Self Publishing Services, helping indie authors land marketing opportunities and spread the word about their new releases. She is also an intern for Crystal Lake Publishing and began working with us in June 2019. She’s worked on genre fiction and transmedia worlds in science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and thriller.