Is the whole of history a convenient lie?

That’s how it’s beginning to look to Linda, Richard and Agent McPherson as they hunt for Tales That Draw You In, cartoonist R. L. Carver’s legendary lost work. The key to finding it could lie in a memory Linda’s repressed, from when she was a captive of the serial killer Henry McLaughlin.

The sinister cabal known as the Shadows in the Cave is also keen to retrieve Linda’s memory. Their reasons are linked to a military compound in the Chihuahuan desert and a clandestine psychic espionage program. Linda, Richard and McPherson learn that more than their own lives hang in the balance. The program’s terrible purpose could bring about the end of the world as we know it.

Described as “Kavalier and Clay meets Clive Barker,” Draw You In Vol.3 – Behind The Mask  is the explosive finale to this mind-bending trilogy. It contains stories within stories that explore horror in all its subgenres, from quiet to psychological horror, from hardcore to cosmic horror.

Experience the epic conspiracy thriller that redefines the genre for a new generation.

Grab your copy on Amazon here.